Montreal's International Forum
Politics Series
presented by

Past events

Jean-Pierre Blackburn

Jean-Pierre Blackburn

Minister of Labour and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the regions of Quebec

Free Trade Agreements in the Americas and Canada's position on Labour Matters

February 29, 2008

Phil Wilson

Phil Wilson

Texas Secretary of State

Texas-Canada : Strong Partners for a Strong Economy

October 18, 2007

Mohammed  Haneef Atmar

Mohammed Haneef Atmar

Minister of Education, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Rebuilding Afghanistan

October 4, 2007

Stéphane Dion

Stéphane Dion

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

Canada's Voice: Restoring the Independence of Our Foreign Policy

September 20, 2007

Shirley Franklin

Shirley Franklin

Mayor of Atlanta

Atlanta : an American Hub for Business and Entrepreneurship

June 14, 2007

David Miller

David Miller

Mayor of Toronto

Taking on the Challenges of Globalization : the Role of the Cities

June 13, 2007

Jack Layton

Jack Layton

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada

Canada's Foreign Policy : the Need for a New Direction

June 8, 2007

Gordon J.  O'Connor

Gordon J. O'Connor

Minister of National Defence

Rebuilding Afghanistan and Securing our Future

April 3, 2007

Lawrence Cannon

Lawrence Cannon

Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities of Canada

Canada's New initiatives in Transport

December 11, 2006

Monique Gagnon-Tremblay

Monique Gagnon-Tremblay

Québec Minister of International Relations and Minister Responsible for La Francophonie

Québec in the World: New Challenges and Future Prospects

May 24, 2006

Hans  Spitzner

Hans Spitzner

Minister for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology of the Bavarian State

The Bavarian-Québec Partnership: A Gateway for Business in the Heart of Europe

May 2, 2006

Paul Kagame

Paul Kagame

President of Rwanda and President of the COMESA

Africa - Canada: An Economic Partnership to Enhance

April 24, 2006

Gérald Tremblay

Gérald Tremblay

Mayor of Montreal

Taking Action for Montreal on the International Scene

April 6, 2006

Alain Juppé

Alain Juppé

Ex-Prime Minister of France Professor at the ÉNAP

Europe - America Partnership: Future Prospects

October 20, 2005

Laurent Fabius

Laurent Fabius

Ex-Prime Minister of France and Member of Parliament (Seine-Maritime)

Europe : What Will the Future Bring?

September 27, 2005

Bill Graham

Bill Graham

Minister of National Defence of Canada

The Role of Canadian Defence in the World

September 22, 2005

Leonel Fernandez Reyna

Leonel Fernandez Reyna

President of the Dominican Republic

Canada and the Dominican Republic: An Expanding Partnership

June 2, 2005

Monique Gagnon-Tremblay

Monique Gagnon-Tremblay

Québec Minister of International Relations and Minister Responsible for La Francophonie

Moving Towards a New International Policy for Québec

May 19, 2005

Pierre S. Pettigrew

Pierre S. Pettigrew

Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada

Trust and Awareness : Canada's International Personality

April 27, 2005

Benoît Pelletier

Benoît Pelletier

Minister Responsible for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs, Francophones within Canada, the Agreement on Internal Trade, the Reform of Democratic Institutions and Access to Information of Québec

Québec's Position in International Organizations and Canada's Free Trade Agreements

March 17, 2005

Howard Dean

Howard Dean

Ex-Governor of Vermont and Ex-Candidate to the Democrat Nomination for the American Presidency

The American Presidential Elections : Consequences for All

October 26, 2004

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